A verse in the scriptures states that a suppressed conscience takes one to hell and an awakened conscience leads to heaven. This statement explains the enigma of Heaven and Hell i.e. an individual himself is responsible for creating heaven and hell in his life. Scriptures (Garura Purana) describes this phenomenon metaphorically. It is deity named Chitragupta, who maintains the record of
good and evil deeds of a sentient being. When a living being dies and its soul enters the astral world, this deity presents the record of its good and evil deeds and, based on this account, the soul is assigned to live in heaven or hell.Common sense would not accept existence of a deity like Chitragupta.
The number of human beings inhabiting this earth itself is in billions. If we take into account the other living beings of millions of non-human species, the total number would be beyond mathematical calculation. It would be an impossible task for an individual to work day and night without rest for millions of years maintaining records of each moment of life of innumerable beings of the cosmos. Impracticability of maintenance of such a stupendous record puts a question mark on the very existence of Chitragupta.
Modern science, however, substantiates the reality underlying the metaphorical descriptions given in the scriptures. Science has now established that all mental, verbal and physical activities carried out by an individual having a discriminative mind leave subtle impressions on the deeper levels of the psyche. In this way, like the compressed audio-visual recordings of events on a
microchip of the computer or compact disc, all good and evil deeds are being recorded in the secret chambers of the sub-conscious mind. This record, like a C.D., remains in storage till it is required to be played at a desired moment through an appropriate mechanism. Since time immemorial, enlightened persons in India have wondered about the role of fate in human life. Sanskrit and Hindi literature has abundant references to the тАЬfootprints of KarmaтАЭ (Karma Rekha), which it is said, cannot be erased by any degree of intellectual endeavour.
.... to be continue
тЬНЁЯП╗ Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya
ЁЯУЦ The Absolute Law Of Karma Page 5
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