शुक्रवार, 8 मार्च 2019

👉 Coal made from Sandalwood

A king went to visit the Forest. There he got lost and forgot the way back to home. He started feeling thirsty and hungry. There he met a person who used to live in the forest. He took care of king. The hospitality was not so great but the king was satisfied because he received it on time. While going back to his kingdom, he said to that person, “I am the ruler of this state. I am quite impressed with your gentle hospitality and give you a garden of sandalwood. Rest of the life you don’t have to worry about your livelihood and live happily.”

He got the forest of Chandan, but poor fellow did not know the significance of Chandan and how can it be availed, without knowing it, he use to cut off the trees and started making coal of the Chandan and started selling in the city. Thus somehow, he managed to live his livelihood.

Gradually all the trees got finished and he left only with one last tree. It started raining so he could not make the coal then he decided to sell only the wood. He reached the market carrying the bundle of wood and because of its fragrance people paid a heavy price. Poor person got surprized and asked the reason for this, the people said, “This is sandal wood, very valuable. If you have more of this kind of wood, you will get wealth in abundance.”

Poor guy began to repent on his ignorance that he sold such a valuable Chandan by making coal and sold for absolute no value. A thoughtful person came across and said, 'Friend! do not regret on yourself, whole world is ignorant, not only you. Each and every moment of life is very precious, but people lose it in lusts and desires but for nothing. It will be nice and not less if you even use the last tree which you are left, wisely. If a person realises the value at the end, he is also considered wise.

Mostly there are lots who only realise the truth of life when all is gone. There are hardly those who come in this world, know the truth of life, its objective. They understand the reality, its value and take every step accordingly. Whatever they do, they get infinite bliss  which is priceless for human life.

📖 Pragya Purana part 1

अंतरात्मा का सहारा पकड़ो | हारिये न हिम्मत | दिन 3

मानवमात्र को प्रेम करो | हारिये न हिम्मत | दिन 2

आध्यात्मिक चिंतन अनिवार्य | हारिये न हिम्मत | दिन 1

👉 नारी शक्ति को नमन

नारी तू शक्ति रूपा है,
विष्णु की शक्ति लक्ष्मी है,
शंकर की शक्ति पार्वती है,
ब्रह्मा की शक्ति ब्राह्मणी है,
राम की शक्ति सीता है,
राम की भक्त शबरी है,
कृष्ण की शक्ति राधा है,
कृष्ण की भक्त मीरा है,
राधा की प्रेम पुनीता है,
दिल से प्रेम की सरिता है,
पुरुष की सहचरी और प्रणेता है,
आँखो में सागर, दिल में तड़प,
दिमाग में उंची सोच लिए,
संघर्ष के पथ पर चलती हुई,
हर पथ पर आगे बढ़ते हुए,
मेघावी नारी नवीना है,

👉 प्रेरणादायक प्रसंग 30 Sep 2024

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