रविवार, 28 अप्रैल 2019

👉 आज का सद्चिंतन 28 April 2019

👉 प्रेरणादायक प्रसंग 28 April 2019

👉 प्यार और भरोसे

एक सरल चित्र है, लेकिन बहुत ही गहरे अर्थ के साथ।

आदमी को पता नहीं है कि नीचे सांप है और महिला को नहीं पता है कि आदमी भी किसी पत्थर से दबा हुआ है।

महिला सोचती है: "मैं गिरने वाली हूँ! और मैं नहीं चढ़ सकती क्योंकि साँप मुझे काटने वाला है।"

आदमी थोड़ा अधिक ताक़त का उपयोग करके मुझे ऊपर क्यों नहीं खींच सकता है! "

आदमी सोचता है: "मैं बहुत दर्द में हूँ! फिर भी मैं अभी भी आपको उतना ही खींच रहा हूँ जितना मैं कर सकते हूँ!सामने वाला खुद कोशिश क्यों नहीं करता और थोड़ा कठिन चढ़ाई को पार कर लेता?"

नैतिकता: आप उस दबाव को देख नहीं सकते जो सामने वाला झेल रहा है, और ठीक उसी तरह सामने वाला भी उस दर्द को नहीं देख सकता जिसमें आप हैं।

यह जीवन है, भले ही यह काम, परिवार, भावनाओं, दोस्तों, परिवार के साथ हो, आपको एक-दूसरे को समझने की कोशिश करनी चाहिए, अलग-अलग सोचना, एक-दूसरे के बारे में सोचना और बेहतर तालमेल बिठाना चाहिए।

हर कोई अपने जीवन में अपनी लड़ाई लड़ रहा है और सबके अपने अपने दुख हैं इसीलिए कम से कम हम जब सभी अपनों से मिलते हैं तब एक दूसरे पर आरोप प्रत्यारोप करने के बजाय एक दूसरे को प्यार, स्नेह और साथ रहने की खुशी का एहसास दें, जीवन की इस यात्रा को लड़ने की बजाय प्यार और भरोसे से आसानी से पार किया जा सकता है। 🙏🙏

👉 The Absolute Law Of Karma (Part 11)


Sudden happenings of good fortune and misfortune are part of life and there is no escape from them. Saintpoet Soordas has rightly stated that the effects of actions (Karmas) cannot be avoided even with the best of guidance from an enlightened and experienced person. In spite of having Maharshi Vashishtha as his Guru, Sri Ram had to undergo the agony of the death of his father, abduction of his wife, Sita, and subsequently her forced banishment to rishi Valmiki’s Ashram. It would not be proper to assume that misfortunes are punishments given by an angry God to chastite an erring person. The Epic Ramayana says that each individual is himself personally responsible for his happiness and miseries (“Kahu na kowoo dukha-sukhkar data| Nij nij karm bhog sab bhrata||”). All beings reap the fruits of their own karmas. They rejoice or wail, weep and suffer because of their own doings. With each living being, God has provided an unerring and intelligent mechanism, which determines fruits of his actions. Like a fish swimming in the water of a snake moving on sand, we leave behind footprints of our own karmas. These impressions are known as “samskars” in spiratual parlance. Evil deeds generate distressful samskars, which in course of time sprout as sufferings, like self-growing thorny bushes.

Now we shall discuss the three categories of karmas, their characteristics and consequences.

Happiness and peace is the natural state of mind. Man is instinctively inclined to act for welfare of self and others, which naturally results in peace and joy. He suffers only when he is mentally disturbed. He dreads mental turbulence, sorrow and grief. Hence it would be useful to discuss about the causes of unhappiness. As the medical science has two independent streams, one for promotion of health and another for treatment of diseases, there are two branches of spiritual effects – one for promoting happiness and the other for unhappiness. Righteous living is essential for inner peace and happiness just as nutritional food is for health. In therapy it is necessary to first have a diagnosis and then look for treatment. The same holds true for unhappiness. By discarding the karmas, which produce bad Samskars, we can get rid of the resultant suffering and pain.

Let us now discuss the three types of sufferings in detail. As mentioned earlier, misfortunes influence a person by creating three types of adverse reactions: (1) Mental suffering, (2) Physical pain and (3) Distress caused by natural disasters. In spiritual parlance these are known as “Daivik”, “Daihik” and “Bhautik”- Dukhas.

.... to be continue
✍🏻 Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya
📖 The Absolute Law Of Karma Page 20

👉 प्रेरणादायक प्रसंग 30 Sep 2024

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