शुक्रवार, 26 अप्रैल 2019

👉 Injustice should not be tolerated till the last breath

Mahmud Ghajnabi was going back after looting the temple of Somnath. He had an army of one lack soldiers. As soon as army his army reached the camp, they saw a squad of one hundred horse riders was coming towards them with the speed of arrow.  A seventy year old, Rajput was leading the squad.

Mahmood Ghajnani could not understand why such a small force of soldiers was coming to destroy them by fighting with our army of one lack soldiers. He sent a messenger to ask the objective of those soldiers.

The old Rajput leader said to that messenger to tell the emperor that we know the result to fight with force with so much of difference in power. But we do not forget that in any condition, we should not tolerate injustice till our last breath.
Squad of one hundred horse riders fought with readiness to sacrifice their own lives and walloped thousands in no time. While facing heavy force, they lost their lives but till the last breath they kept saying that they were enough to face those one lakhs even if they were hundred in numbers.

This kind of shocking battle had a huge impact on Mahmud. He got astonished with amazing bravery of Rajputs. He thought of a new formula while determining new future war policies. Indians cannot be won by force, they should use cheating to win them because the inhabitants of this country are not familiar with the cheating.

Akhand Jyoti 1974

👉 दोष नहीं गुण देखो

लोग एक दूसरे से लाभ उठाते हैं। परंतु यह नहीं जानते कि हम तभी एक दूसरे से लाभ उठा पाएंगे, जब हमारा संबंध परस्पर प्रेमपूर्ण हो। संबंध को स्वस्थ या प्रेमपूर्ण बनाए रखने के लिए यह नियम आवश्यक है, कि जिस के साथ आप संबंध रखते हैं, वह व्यक्ति आपसे प्रसन्न हो, तभी वह आपके साथ संबंध रखना चाहेगा, और मधुर संबंध बना भी रहेगा।

अब संबंध प्रेमपूर्ण हो, इसके लिए आवश्यक है कि आप उसके गुणों की चर्चा करें। उसकी यथा योग्य प्रशंसा करें। झूठी प्रशंसा न करें, पर जितने गुण उस व्यक्ति में वास्तव में हों, उतनी तो न्याय पूर्वक अवश्य करें।

ऐसा करने से आपका प्रेम बढ़ता है और बना रहता है। इसलिए संबंध को स्वस्थ एवं प्रेमपूर्ण बनाए रखने के लिए आवश्यक है, कि दूसरे व्यक्ति के गुणों की चर्चा की जाए। वह भी प्रसंग के अनुसार की जाए, उचित अवसर पर की जाए। चापलूसी भी ना हो।

और मनोविज्ञान की दूसरी बात यह है कि यदि आप दूसरे व्यक्ति के दोषों की चर्चा करेंगे, तो उसे कष्ट होगा, नाराजगी होगी। इससे आपका संबंध कमजोर हो जाएगा। इसलिए जहां तक संभव हो दूसरों के दोषों की चर्चा ना करें। यदि करनी ही पड़े, तो उसी से करें जिसका दोष हो। उसकी पीठ पीछे, दूसरों को दोष न बताएं। इससे अधिक हानि होती है।

सीधा उसी व्यक्ति को दोष बताने से कम हानि होती है।

तो कोशिश करें, कि दोषों की चर्चा कम से कम हो। वह भी सुधार के उद्देश्य से हो। झगड़ा करने या अपमानित करने के उद्देश्य से ना हो। गुणों की चर्चा अधिक हो, तो आपका संबंध प्रेमपूर्ण बना रहेगा। आप एक दूसरे को लाभ देते लेते रहेंगे।

👉 The Absolute Law Of Karma (Part 10)


There are quite a few “Believers” in this world who correlate people, places and things with good and bad luck Such superstitions have caused extreme miseries to innocent persons. The root cause for such irrational behaviour is the belief that whatever come to pass is predestined by God and the beings created by Him have absolutely no role in shaping their own destiny. Quite a few persons in this world forsake their responsibility in the mistaken belief that the gain and loss being predestined, there is no necessity of personal effort. They mistakenly believe that they cannot change the Will of God who is supposed to have programmed their life beforehand. We often hear expression like – “Whatever is destined cannot be changed” or “Who can change the fate predestined by God?” or “It was the Will of God”. As a matter of fact man uses such expressions when he finds himself helpless, disturbed and confused while undergoing adversity.

In the absence of an understandable cause, the agitated mind finds a scapegoat in the Divine Will. Nevertheless, such outbursts do have an advantage. The help in releasing the stress of hte disturbed mind, which would have otherwise done incalculable harm to the person concerned. There are however many mautre persons who shirk their responsibility of self-effort to meet a given challenge under the pretext of inexorability of Divine Will.

Because of their influence, the less knowledgeable younger persons around them too begin to feel helpless and despaired because of teh so-called “inevitability of fate”.

Readers would appreciate how ignorance of the real causes of unexpected calamaties create ridiculuous concepts, wich distort and vitiate the value-system of life.

Since times immemorial, man has been attempting to correlate human activities with events of life over which he has no control. Research in deeper spirituality has discovered ways and means to find answers to such problems of life. In the following section, we shall discuss how mental and physical actions of an individual and collective activities of hte society become responsible for good fortune and misfortune of individuals and the community.

.... to be continue
✍🏻 Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya
📖 The Absolute Law Of Karma Page 19

👉 The Absolute Law Of Karma (Part 10)


There are quite a few “Believers” in this world who correlate people, places and things with good and bad luck Such superstitions have caused extreme miseries to innocent persons. The root cause for such irrational behaviour is the belief that whatever come to pass is predestined by God and the beings created by Him have absolutely no role in shaping their own destiny. Quite a few persons in this world forsake their responsibility in the mistaken belief that the gain and loss being predestined, there is no necessity of personal effort. They mistakenly believe that they cannot change the Will of God who is supposed to have programmed their life beforehand. We often hear expression like – “Whatever is destined cannot be changed” or “Who can change the fate predestined by God?” or “It was the Will of God”. As a matter of fact man uses such expressions when he finds himself helpless, disturbed and confused while undergoing adversity.

In the absence of an understandable cause, the agitated mind finds a scapegoat in the Divine Will. Nevertheless, such outbursts do have an advantage. The help in releasing the stress of hte disturbed mind, which would have otherwise done incalculable harm to the person concerned. There are however many mautre persons who shirk their responsibility of self-effort to meet a given challenge under the pretext of inexorability of Divine Will.

Because of their influence, the less knowledgeable younger persons around them too begin to feel helpless and despaired because of teh so-called “inevitability of fate”.

Readers would appreciate how ignorance of the real causes of unexpected calamaties create ridiculuous concepts, wich distort and vitiate the value-system of life.

Since times immemorial, man has been attempting to correlate human activities with events of life over which he has no control. Research in deeper spirituality has discovered ways and means to find answers to such problems of life. In the following section, we shall discuss how mental and physical actions of an individual and collective activities of hte society become responsible for good fortune and misfortune of individuals and the community.

.... to be continue
✍🏻 Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya
📖 The Absolute Law Of Karma Page 19

👉 आज का सद्चिंतन 26 April 2019

👉 प्रेरणादायक प्रसंग 26 April 2019

👉 प्रेरणादायक प्रसंग 30 Sep 2024

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