🔷 The goal of a sadhak is to become more and more introspective. Therefore, closing the eyes, the mind should be fixed on the import of a mantra. The recitation of mantra should be done along with meditation. A japa done in this awakened manner helps in controlling the waywardness of mind and in making it introspective. The acrobats of a circus perform miraculous feats as a result of their concentration and practice. Siddha purushas with concentration of their spiritual and mental energies are able to become the masters of several siddhis.
🔶 The scattered sunrays cannot burn even a thread, but when the same rays are focused with the help of a convex lens, a spark of fire is produced, capable of burning anything. Similarly when five karmendriyas and five gyanendriyas are not attracted towards their objects of desire, the mind becomes stable. In meditation, when the external world of objects and the false ego-self are forgotten, it should be assumed that the mind is getting quietened. Thus regular sadhana of concentration will lead the sadhak to higher dimensions of consciousness beyond the ordinary mind, instinct with paranormal ranges of light, life and bliss.
🔷 There are several unique occult powers lying dormant in the deeper layers of our consciousness. If the gunpowder is scattered on the ground and is lit, it will burn like ordinary things and nothing special will happen. But if the same gunpowder is fired through the barrel of a gun it can even pierce through the hardest steel. In the same way, if our mind remains shallow and scattered, it will be ineffective in attaining anything worthwhile and we will lead a life without purpose.
📖 Akhand Jyoti Mar-2002
🔶 The scattered sunrays cannot burn even a thread, but when the same rays are focused with the help of a convex lens, a spark of fire is produced, capable of burning anything. Similarly when five karmendriyas and five gyanendriyas are not attracted towards their objects of desire, the mind becomes stable. In meditation, when the external world of objects and the false ego-self are forgotten, it should be assumed that the mind is getting quietened. Thus regular sadhana of concentration will lead the sadhak to higher dimensions of consciousness beyond the ordinary mind, instinct with paranormal ranges of light, life and bliss.
🔷 There are several unique occult powers lying dormant in the deeper layers of our consciousness. If the gunpowder is scattered on the ground and is lit, it will burn like ordinary things and nothing special will happen. But if the same gunpowder is fired through the barrel of a gun it can even pierce through the hardest steel. In the same way, if our mind remains shallow and scattered, it will be ineffective in attaining anything worthwhile and we will lead a life without purpose.
📖 Akhand Jyoti Mar-2002