рд╕ोрдорд╡ाрд░, 12 рдирд╡ंрдмрд░ 2018

ЁЯСЙ Just make not break too

ЁЯФ╢ Secret to good gardening lies not only in nourishing the plants but also in pruning the weeds. Plants need to be cared after, given nourishments, yes but the weeds need to be trimmed too. Only then the dream of a beautiful garden can be realized.

ЁЯФ╖ In much the same way, secret of self-progress lies in not only constructive activities like reading, contemplation, pious company, religious observances but also in performing corrective actions necessary for self reform. For the eradication of negative imprints and inferior traits we need to undergo the arduous penance of introspection and self-reform.

ЁЯФ╢ For progress and reform it is necessary to adopt a balanced approach that does justice to both aspects of the process. It was the vile side effect, of our extremist, inappropriately lax and one-sided religiousness that India had to suffer the curse of long political enslavement, which lasted for a thousand years.

ЁЯФ╖ Yes we must foster that which is good and noble, but the eradication of what is bad and vile is our pious duty too. Only if we fully understand and appreciate this eternal truth, can each one of us uphold justice and strike down injustice like it was done in the days of yore.

✍ЁЯП╗ Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya
ЁЯУЦ Dharma Tattva k─Б dar┼Ыan aura marma Vangmay 53 Page 1.35

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