рдмुрдзрд╡ाрд░, 12 рдЬुрд▓ाрдИ 2017

ЁЯСЙ Lose Not Your Heart Day 13

ЁЯМ╣  Love, a Great Power

ЁЯФ╡ Love is a kind of power that can further any aspect of your life. It is impossible to bring about a change in anyone's thinking without love. Healthy mindsets are rarely ever formed through reasoning and arguments. Healthy mindsets as well as trust are developed through prolonged good company. The result of this prolonged good company is love. Therefore, a healthy mindset and trust are both the results of love.

ЁЯФ┤ We must use love to change others' outlook and way of thinking. Logic and intelligent arguments are not sufficient. If what you have to say is full of love and sympathy, the world will be willing to follow you.

ЁЯМ╣ ~Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya

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